EPA V1.01 Requires: Critter Patch V1.02 of Fallout City limit patch Installation: Simply move all these files to the data directory. YOU MUST HAVE ORIGINAL VERSION INSTALLED FIRST!!! List of changes from first version: Removed plank bridges Prevented bug spray crashing in combat Town map labels now have names Changed any spelling errors that were found Took out the graves Added a response for using science skill on broken elevator Removed the wall blockers that were showing near Mr Chemmie! Altered the colours of the exit grids Added fumes in other places in the EPA Added warning messages about the fumes Wearing power armour or environmental armour protects you as well from fumes Added goodies in more places Adapted gas mask script to work in both hands altered problem with generator on entrance map Adapted gardener dialogue Added numerous robots and critters to the EPA Removed standard messages if I'd added new ones anyway Altered rope to a ladder under air vent Fixed numerous holes in maps Extensively rebuilt Doctor script Removed power armour Scripted robots Added ability to set critters on Doctor added a script with clues about duct level Lighting now works in secret chem level Rebuilt some of the chem level Added 84 new tiles to EPA designating levels Finally, I altered the Broken Hills script so the environmatal armour works in the mine. There were many more alterations and corrections that aren't really worth mentioning. Also, as requested, a brief walkthrough follows. So if you don't want everything spoilt, then don't read it. General tips. Science, repair and speech are very important in the EPA. Don't attempt to enter before you can handle many critters at once! Everything can be useful. Many of the computers have at least some use, if they only tell you what level you are on! Walkthrough. This will not be a walkthrough in the general sense of the word in that I will not walk you through everything in the EPA. That would spoil it! However, on entering the EPA, be prepared to face spore plants, deathclaws, floaters, aliens and geckos. (most all at once!) The entrance to the main complex is via the air vent at the bottom of the screen. Just follow the critters to get there. The duct system leads you to another vent, which gives access to the EPA. The EPA is now infested with robots. Annoy them at your own peril!! Take the elevators down and find the holograms arguing with each other. They won't talk to you as the magnetic field is altering their memories, so this is the first thing you need to sort. (remember what I said about computers being important? Hint...hint...) The holograms will give you two main quests: Kill the plants and Fix the Voice Computer. Both of these should be easy to do. One hologram is useless, one gives you a pass code, after much persuading and the third needs to be repaired. Search the whole EPA complex and you'll find many goodies. Eventually you'll come across the Doctor. He's very snobbish and won't even talk to you without you have high enough skills. He gives you a few more quests, one of which is to turn the lights back on. you may want some junk to do this... You can also set the critters on the Doctor if you want and/ or release the captive prisoners. Whichever suits you. Be warned! If you don't have good weapons then his bodyguards are strong. Completing his quests may reap a good reward though... As I said, these are only a few pointers and tips. Part of the fun is finding out things. Enjoy. Problems. There is one thing that I'm going to mention. The radio controlled dynamite works when it wants to. I haven't found out why yet, but we'll see how things go. Credit goes to Crowley who completed most of the tiles and a couple of new barrels. Credit goes to Wild_qwerty for the scenery, critters from FOT and the armour conversions. Credit also goes to the guys on the forum who helped me with initial scripting problems. Credit goes to Lich for the Gas Mask and Script. Hope you all enjoy the mod. i don't know if there will be a further update to this. It's now done about as far as it can be, but if there are any major problems then they will be sorted. Any problems, place them on the forum or PM me. Chris.