Dedication: This mod was manufactured with the supre nice tools FIME, FRMCON20, and DATMANlight (only dat packer utility in the world!). So I give all my thanks to the boys who worked so hard to bring us these neat utilities! About: This mod was made cause i felt like modding one of my favorite games ever made! So I modded some weapons attributes and readme on them, some dialogue...and then the weapon art. This mod is still in it's beta stages, I hope to bring better sound and maybe more art in time! How to extract: you will need the FAME utility to use this .dat file. You should be able to get it from Duck and Cover (! Hate to put pressure on you boys from duck and cover ;). Simply unzip this .dat file into the ....\patches directory in which your FAME program uses to find it's files to patch into the game. FAME is self explanatory so figure it out for yourself! That is all folks. Took me around {27} hours (not all at once) to complete the mod, not including testing time. watch the time counter go up for my 1.2b release! Ownership: Do not mess with me mod or I will hurt you! Nah, feel free to do what you like with it, just do no sell it for it is freeware, not even that, more like a freeMOD! Ya there we go! Do not use the artwork found in this file to further benefit your software or sales so :P Feel free to use it for anything else that doesnt involve selling on the market or new gaming software...not like you would want my shitty files anyways! MADE BY: Overseer_Killa! any questions about this mod, please feel free to email me at! net release: 12:00 May 30, 2001