Новые локации:
* A Letter From The Past random encounter
* Abbey Location - Enhanced. Requires a quest to find and there are now quests to do for the monks.
* Bunker 21 and Truck Locations- Slightly enhanced i.e. requires a quest to find.
* Carson City and many smaller locations from Alternative Life mod.
* Cold Hearts and modoc revisted- Chris Parks and Dude101
* EPA- Chris Parks
* New Vision Final
* Primitive Tribe- Chris Parks
* Scrap heap AKA FO1 demo town.
* Vault 14
* Vault 23
Улучшения (моды):
* B-Team Armor Mod
* Cult of Personality Fix
* Dominion mod world map I.E. expands down into FO1 territory.
* Enhanced Skynet - Body upgrades. Works Correctly now!
* Enhanced Davin Script (For Females Only!)
* Freelance slavery - Male and female slaves can sometimes be taken of some of the critters in the wasteland
* Friendly Klint 2
* FO2 Graphics Upgrade Patch (FO2GUP)Alpha
* Gila Lizard and Cockroach critters from FOXP mod (WIP)
* Gecko enclave encounter
* Kaga
* Killap's Fallout 2 patch
* Lootable Armor
* Marcus armour from V14 mod
* Miria mod
* Mr Fixit
* mysterious stranger mod
* NPC Armor mod
* Seraph's Fallout 2 Mod
* Vertibird mod
* Wasteland Taxi
* Added a number of new load screens from various mods and Fallout 1
* components of the Alternative Life mod, translated by Team MIB.